The Democrat Party have often said they are the party "For the People." They want everything to be equal. They want everyone to be on the same, level playing field. They want there to be no upper, middle, or lower class.
One of their most recently "victories" was with the Repeal of the 1993 policy "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT). Now let us look at where DADT actually came from and what many Democrat supporters may not know.
DADT was a part of the
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994. If my understanding is correct this was the bill that would fund the United States Armed Forces for the next year (1994). During this time the Democrat Party control the White House and both Chambers of Congress (the Senate and House of Representatives). Section 574 of this bill is what established DADT.
The defense bill was introduced in the House on June 1993. It was voted by the entire House on 29 September, passing with a vote of 268 - 162. Here was the break down of that vote:
- YEAS: Democrat-230, Republican-38
- NAYS: Democrat-38, Republican-136, Independent-1
- NV*: Democrat-2, Republican-1
Total YEAS: 268
Total NAYS:175
Total NV: 3
So, the first victory for DADT was primarily moved forward by the Democrats. Now the Senate voted on their version of the defense bill and did so by unanimous consent (meaning, no formal vote was held, everyone just approved the version of the bill). This happened on 6th of October. Then the two chambers meet in what is called the "Conference", where the two bills are merged to the final product. After the Conference the final bill is sent back to both chambers, first the vote by the House.
This vote was held on 15 November. Here was the break down of that vote:
- YEAS: Democrat-223, Republican-50
- NAYS: Democrat-15, Republican-120
- NV: Democrat-19, Republican-5, Independent-1
Total YEAS: 273
Total NAYS:135
Total NV: 25
So once again it was the Democrats that passed DADT through the House. Now the Senate voted on the final bill on 17 November. Here was the break down of that vote:
- YEAS: Democrat-51, Republican-26
- NAYS: Democrat-4, Republican-18
- NV: Democrat-1
Total YEAS: 77
Total NAYS:22
Total NV:1
Once again, the Democrats were the majority party to push through DADT. Then on the 30th of November President Bill Clinton, the Democrat President, signed the bill into law and ushered in the policy that became "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." An interesting side note, as well, is that it was Senator Sam Nunn (D-GA)pushing for maintaining an absolute ban on gays serving openly in the military. It was Senator Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) that was actually pushing for full repeal on banning gays from serving openly! A Democrat wanting to ban gays and a Republican wanting to allow gays to serve openly? What was going on in the '90s?
Why don't people know about these facts? Why don't they know the origins of DADT? It is the opinion of this author that the Democrats don't want the people, especially gays, from knowing they were the ones that implemented this policy. As long as they scream that it was the Republicans fault they will never be found at fault. How many times will the Democrats push a "bait and switch" by and then point the figure at the individuals across the aisle? How long will the American people fall for the same tricks? In ten years when ObamaCare is failing and the United States is completely bankrupt, I believe that the Democrats will be pointing at the Republicans, saying "They did it" and the American people will once again believe them.
*NV = Not Voting