The Constitution * Fiscal Responsibility * The Right to Bear Arms
Gay Marriage and "Rights" * Immigration * War on Terror * Homeland Security

In 1787 a group of fifty-five men got together in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and and drafted what we now call the Constitution of the United States of America. They set-up our current form of government with a brilliant ideas like the separation of federal powers, the system of checks and balances, and a true form of a republic. The Preamble in this sacred document states, quote:
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, and insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."The Constitution is a document that must no longer be ignored as it has for the past seventy plus years! The Federal Government must learn its true and limited powers as listed in Section 8 of Article 1, their limit in powers listed in Section 9 of the same article, and the Tenth Amendment! No longer can Americans not know and understand the Constitution.
- Pick up a copy of the Constitution or go online and read this document.
- Sign up for a public class that teaches the Constitution. If you live in Salt Lake or Utah Counties in Utah the Utah County Republican Women host Constitutional Classes.
- Share your findings with family, friends, and others.
- Be a proactive activist for Constitutional Government!
- DC Voting Rights: Ignoring the Constitution
- Where Is The Constitutional Authority?
- TSA and the Constitution
The Federal Government has borrowed the United States of America into a debt hole that can no longer be sustained. We are nearing a financial meltdown as a nation because of $13 Trillion plus dollars in debt that we owe to countries around the world. The United States can no longer afford to be the welfare state to both its citizens and countries around the world. Welfare programs have not only drained the Treasury of the United States but has left it bankrupt. Look at countries like Greece and Great Britain that have gone through these financial meltdowns because their governments spend too much and no bring in enough. I heard an interesting fact the other day by a financial investor: "If we tax 100% of Americans income it would still not be enough to pay off the national debt." That is completely wrong and our Founding Fathers would be ashamed.
The United States Federal Government does not need a "balance budget", it needs an "under-budget budget." What does this mean? It means the Federal Government needs to spend less than what it brings in through taxes. Welfare programs need to be cut from the Federal Budget because many are unconstitutional to begin with. Just like every American home must do - spend less than what you bring home - so must the Federal Government.
- Start local! Elect individuals in your state government that will get your state out of debt. With the States out of debt your state will have a much better chance weathering the coming financial meltdown.
- Make sure you are "living within your means" and make sure you are out of debt as well!
- Go national! Elected individuals that will not only vote for a balanced budget and stay within the budget, but will vote for an "under-budget budget." Hold these elected representatives to their campaign promises!
Also See:
- The Second Amendment: No First Without The Second
- The Second Amendment: The People's Check
- Gun Myth: Gun Control Reduces Crime!
- A Disassembled Firearm: No More Than A Paper Weight...
Also See:
- Prop 8 Was By The People
- Double Standard of Free Speech
- The Unreported: Where "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Actually Came From!
Also See:
War on Terror
Homeland Security
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Climate Change
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