Charles A. Hall: "We are asking for donations totaling $100.00 USD to help buy a domain name and web hosting service for Lone Eagle Observer. Please donate today to LEO and help us advance to the next step!" (Read More Here).

Progress: $0.00 of $100.00

I proudly support TserverHQ.com

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas From The Lone Eagle

Merry Christmas to all my readers and the few followers that Lone Eagle Observer has!  What a wonderful time of year this is.  The Spirit of Giving, the exchanging of gifts, and commemorating the Birth of God's Only Begotten Son, Jesus the Christ.

This day we celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer.  The Atonement of Christ is the Greatest Gift our Heavenly Father has given His children, each and everyone of us previously, currently, and will-be on Earth.  The Atonement of Christ is open to all that will receive it.

I firmly declare that I know Jesus is the Christ, our Savior and Redeemer.  I firmly declare that I know His True Church - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - has been reestablished in our day and age.  I know that through the Prophet Joseph Smith and has once again set-up His church with prophets, apostles, bishops, elders, deacons.  That God lives and He speaks to a Living Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson.  These things I firmly declare today in remembering the Birth of Our Savior.

Have a very Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Product Review: DotEasy

Product Review: DotEasy Web Hosting

There is not a lot of web hosting services out there right now that you can actually still get a domain name AND free hosting!  Well, in fact I can't think of any.  Just today I looked at another web hosting service and they had an exclusive product for business bloggers.  Do you know how much they charged for this service?  $3,000 annually for their "Small" product and $18,000 annually for their "Large" product!  Granted this included around the clock online consulting and helping with search engine results, but for someone that needs a nice and basic website for their business there is something better: DotEasy!

For only the price of a single domain name ($25/year) you can get FREE HOSTING!  That is incredible!  Wait, "Free" Hosting?!  Yes, FREE HOSTING!

Here is what is included in DotEasy's Basic Web Hosting Package:
  • Free with Domain Registration Purchase ($25/year)
  • No Ad Banner
  • 100MB Free Web Hosting space
  • 1GB Free Monthly Data Transfer
  • 10 Email Accounts
  • Host 10 Add-On Domain
  • Free Website Creator
  • Free Website Statistic
  • FTP Access
Unless you are a Fortune 1000 Company 100MB and 1GB of Transfer is plenty!  You can always upgrade to their Unlimited Hosting Package at $9.95/month and you'll be just fine (or they do have an Ultra Hosting Package between the Basic and Unlimited).  I have run through their domain registration and I can tell you it is so simple the most basic beginning to started.  You can register multiple domains and get a discount of 20% off each domain for additional savings!    That is why I like and recommend DotEasy Web Hosting to anyone getting ready to get their own website!  Use DotEasy!  When they say their name is "DotEasy" they really are that easy!

I rate this product a solid 4.5 out of 5 Stars.

"Charles, what is with all the changes?"

As some of you are already noticing just a few weeks ago I switched from The Hall Review (http://charlesahall.blogspot.com) to the Lone Eagle Review (http://loneeaglereview.blogspot.com).  I switched my Twitter account also from @CharlesAHall to @LoneEagleReview.  I did a lot of formatting, get a lot of images up, advertising set up, writing a half dozen blog posts about the change... and then... just moved it all back!  I did this for several reasons:

  1. I don't know, for the life of me, why I made the switch in the first place.  I thought I wanted a new look, a fresh start, etc.  Well, come to find out, I DIDN'T!
  2. I didn't want to manage two blogs and two Twitter accounts.  It was already being too much.
  3. I wanted the name "Lone Eagle" but couldn't have it so I found a way to still make myself The Lone Eagle without having to make the change.
  4. I wanted to come back to http://charlesahall.blogspot.com and @CharlesAHall because if I needed to run for public office one day I already had a following and didn't have to try to drive individuals to yet another website.
  5. I like having my name in most of the references because then you will understand that is me actually speaking to you and not a nameless person writing under the name "Lone Eagle".
Those are just some of the reasons I decided to move everything back.  This design for Lone Eagle Observer is much better than Lone Eagle Review ever was.  It is much more clean and straight forward.  I believe this Blog will provide a much better avenue to get in touch with individuals following me.

So, we have a new logo, a new logo with new information, thoughts, and ideas coming your way several times a week!

Be sure to follow me on Twitter @CharlesAHall and subscribe to me RSS feed!