Now you probably have a massive credit debt that you didn't have sixty (60) days ago. You probably are wondering which child you sell or what kidney isn't your favorite so you can pay off this debt (well, probably not selling your child part, but maybe the kidney). How are you going to get these credit cards paid down so you can do it all again in 365 days from Christmas? May I make a suggestion? Order yourself Dave Ramsey's The Total Money Makeover!
Last Christmas (Winter 2009) my mother bought my wife and I The Total Money Makeover and I can tell you it really helped. We aren't out of debt yet, we've fallen off the wagon a few times, but I can tell you that those that actually use The Total Money Makeover like a religion are much better off. We were doing much better when we were on this program than when we weren't.
Mr. Ramsey shows you how to save money, pay off debt, plan for the future of your child's college fund, and even your own retirement. He gives you many success stories throughout the book to show you how families and individuals, just like yourself, have used this program to become DEBT FREE! I just received Dave Ramsey's The Total Money Makeover, 3rd Edition in the mail on Christmas Eve and already I'm eating it up. On the front if the book it states, quote: "Hundreds of thousands of ordinary people have become debt-free- here's how you can too."
Join me this coming year in making your first and foremost New Year's Resolution to become DEBT-FREE!
Lone Eagle Product Rating
Solid 5 out of 5 stars!
The Total Money Makeover: $9.50 + tax & shipping (Amazon.com)
The Dave Ramsey Website: http://www.daveramsey.com
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