Nothing in the United States Constitution or its amendments gives “We The People” a “check” on Our government except the Second Amendment – The Right to Keep and Bear Arms. It is the one check “We The People” have against a corrupt government. The Freedoms and Rights of speech, religion, press, assembly, voting, speedy trial, due process, no quarter and all others are not a check on Our government, only the Right to Keep and Bear Arms allows Us that check.
If it Our check on Our government why are Democrats, Handgun Control, Inc. (HCI – “The Brady Campaign”), liberal groups and judges trying to take away Our check and Our right? Because without it “We The People” no longer control the government. The government will no longer be our government but Theirs, They will have control and may do as They feel is needed: suspend free and open elections, take away freedoms like the freedom of the press and speech, put in jail whom They’d like, etc. The people are now at the mercy of the very government set up to protect them.
Many on the left (liberals) will say it is to protect us. That taking away our guns and ammo we will be safer. That gun registration allows the government to control gun violence. Well, many crimes committed today are done with firearms sold on the black market in back alleys ad abandoned warehouses. By taxing and taking aim at law-biding citizens with outrageous laws, rules, and regulations only further puts the innocent at the mercy of their government and criminal alike.
I have a sign in my front room window that says, “Criminals Prefer Unarmed Victims” and if we lose the Second Amendment criminal will have their way. PERIOD!
When Australia took away the right of their citizens to own a firearm all aspects of crime went up (see post and note titled “The Second Amendment – No First Without The Second”). Why? Because criminals had their way with their victims, the very people the government thought would be safer. Do we want the streets of America running red with the blood of the innocent? No! We want to be safe, not at the mercy of criminal and our government alike! We want to have that check against corrupt government.
In the movie National Treasure Benjamin Gates (played by Nicholas Cage) reads from the Declaration of Independence: “But when a long train of abuses and years of patience perusing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government and provide new guards for their future security.” He explains it to mean “if something is wrong, those that have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action” and replace it with a new government.
On July 4th, 1776 the most educated men on the American continent began that process. Now 232 years later we have to defend what they created: A More Prefect Union. They look down from the heavens today, waiting to see if we live up to the gift and legacy they have left us. We will be judged on how we treat this nation they, our ancestors, set up.
We must preserve it and always check our leaders and hold them accountable for their actions. If we allow them, the government, to take away our one and only “check” the rest of our freedoms and rights will soon follow.
The Founding Fathers set up a checks and balance system between the three branches of the Federal Government. They then gave us, The People, a check: The Second Amendment – The Right to Keep and Bear Arms. If we allow corrupt politicians and interest groups on Capital Hall and across this nation to take way the Second Amend Father in Heaven, God Almighty, have mercy upon us for we have failed. Forgive us, our ancestors, which freed us from foreign rule and established the greatest nation to even be setup upon this earth for we have let the corrupt destroy that which you built with your own blood, tears, and lives. Forgive us, our children, for we have not passed onto you a legacy of freedom but a past of sorrow and corruption. Forgive us for we have failed on our watch. Forgive us.
I pray that day will never come. We cannot let it come! What can you do to make sure that day never comes? Take up your modern day quill and parchment (pen and paper) and write your elected officials (local, state, and federal) that you want your rights to remain untouched. Tell them to leave your God Given Rights alone! Tell them they serve you, not us serve them. Get your family and friends involved. Go out and buy a pistol, shotgun, and rifle and then train to use them. Become an American Marksman. Join the National Rifle Association of America (NRA -, join Second Amendment Defenders of America (SADA), join local shooting associations and clubs. Take your gun hating friends to the range and teach them how to shoot and then teach them why it is so important to preserve our Second Amendment right. These are just some of the many things you can do to preserve your right and my right and their right and this great nation.
Now is the time to stand up and be counted. Now is the time to protect our nation. I quote James “Mitch” Vilos: “Citizens who quietly watch our freedom eroded, who don’t want to rock the ‘comfort boat’ by speaking out (many of whom are couch-potato-sports addicts) are no longer Americans; they are rich, comfortable, oversexed Romans who foolishly believe Rome could never fall.” We cannot be as the Romans for we are Americans. “We The People” must preserve this great nation, The United States of America, that it may never perish from the earth