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Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Global Warming Scandal!

Originally Posted 27 June 2009:

I do not believe in the Global Warming Scam! An official statement from me to everyone that believes in man made global warming! I do not believe in the Global Warming Scam!

Around this time last year (2008) conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh talked about how the same scientists were screaming "GLOBAL COOLING!" in the 1970s are the same people now screaming "GLOBAL WARMING!" He pointed out that for several decades now the countries in Europe have been taxing their citizens to "solve the global warming crisis" but they have nothing to show for it except increasing people's taxes.

With a vote of 219 to 212 the passage of HR 2454 - "American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (AKA Cap and Trade Act)" - in the United States House of Representatives yesterday (Friday, 26 June 2009) showed that our elected representatives are following the same course Europe is, taxing the citizens of the United States in a scam! It all comes down to the all mighty dollar (even though the United States Dollar is losing its mighty value).

In the three hour debate yesterday Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) said, "I rise today in support of HR 2454, which really does send a clear... message that polluting our planet, our communities, and our livelihood no longer comes without cost." That cost is your hard earned dollars! If you breath, if you turn on your computer, if you do ANYTHING you are polluting the planet, community, and livelihood! You must pay for your living!

Just today I learned on the Facebook Group Our Country Deserves Better of a video produced and aired on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom called "The Great Global Warming Swindle."

Here is the 10 minute version of the highlights of the video, called "The Global Warming C02 Scam":

Here is the full version of "The Great Global Warming Swindle":

Global Warming is a scandal that has struck to the very heart of almost every government in the world. It is a scandal that has gone all the way to the Oval Office in the White House! It is a scandal that stretches across the global.

What I do believe is that greenhouse gases, the sun, and other NATURAL factors are the causing of the warming of the earth. Co2 is a natural part of our every day life. As you sit there and read this you are breathing, producing natural Co2 gas. Why is it natural? Because breathing is a natural thing to do. If you do not breath you do not live. Even when you die and when you body breaks down Co2 is released. Co2 is natural!

I encourage all to watch the videos above (more so the full version then the highlights) and see what is not being said in the American mainstream media.

Again, I do not believe in the Global Warming Scandal! We can no longer allow a scandal, a scam, a flat out lie to control our government and our lives!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Why I Will No Longer Remain Silent!

Since Tuesday, 20 January 2009 when President Barack Obama took the Oath of Office of the President of the United States the entire country has seen several events happen already in the first five (5) months of his Presidency:

-The Federal Bailouts
-Uncontrolled Federal Spending
-Bankruptcy of Major Auto Companies
-Tea Party Campaigns

That is just some of the things that have been happening. What gets me more then anything is the ratings of the President and the United States Congress.

Here is a picture of the latest Rasmussen.com President Approval Index:


Look how they are coming so close to each other! According to a Gallop.com poll posted 23 June 2009 “Americans' approval of the job Congress is doing has slipped to 33% this month, down from the recent high of 39% in March, but still significantly higher than job approval ratings of Congress over the last several years” (http://www.gallup.com/poll/121208/Congress-Approval-Rating-Drops-33.aspx).

It is shocking me how the country is shaping up right now. What I’m really shocked about is the activity the Citizens of the United States of America are showing! The big one has been the Tea Parties happening across the nation! The People of the United States are finally speaking up! They are fighting for Their rights and putting in check Their representatives in Washington, D.C.

I created a Facebook Group called “Second Amendment Defenders of America” (http://www.facebook.com/groups.php?ref=sb#/group.php?gid=39739559476) on Saturday, 21 December 2008 because I knew that after the Obama Administration was in place they would be coming after and destroy the Second Amendment – The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms – of the United States Constitution. Though the membership numbers a few join every day. Why? Because average Citizens are tired of the uncontrolled nature in Washington, D.C. and They are finally speaking up! It is at the grassroots, in Our local community, where REAL CHANGE is made!

I have written letters to My representatives in the United States Congress, left messages for the Utah State Governor, and others because I will no longer remain silent! Because the People of the United States are no longer remaining silent!

One of my favorite television shows was the remake of SciFi channels Battlestar Galactica. In the Series Finale “Daybreak, Part II” Lee Adama (played by Jamie Bamber) says, “If you don’t participate in the political conversation then you’re giving up your voice, you’re giving up your right to have a say in the way that our society is run.” I could not agree more! You have to engage in the political conversation! You have to have Your voice heard by those You cast Your vote for!

I will not give up My Voice! My Voice is more powerful then My representatives voice at the local, state, and federal level. If We, the People of the United States, do not speak up then our voice will be lost and only Theirs’, our elected Representatives, will be heard.

This is why I will no longer remain silent! I will not give up My Voice! I will have a say in how My country is run!